Since I’m wrapping up Witchlight literally RIGHT NOW—gah, I’m proud of this book—I thought I’d tackle some of the question from the AMA that were Witchlands themed.
That said, I answered the first part of Clairisa’s question over on
. You can read or listen to the answer at the link below.Of course, Clairisa asked two questions (yay! More to answer!), and here’s part 2:
Will the Witchland Series get new covers next year when the last book comes out?
No! They will not get new covers. There will be a cover reveal (soon, I hope!) for Witchlight, and it will match the previous style of covers in the series.
And I really, really love it. I think it might be my most favorite yet. 😌 It features two people instead of one, and I bet you can guess which pair it might tbe.
There will also, of course, be a UK trade paperback with a creature on the front. But I haven’t seen that art yet.
You all will get first looks as soon as I have anything I’m allowed to share!
Now, onto another question!
Melissa asked:
Hi!! I LOVE your Witchlands series and I can't wait for the next book to come out! Is it going to be the final book in the series? What was your favorite part to write in the series up to Witchlight?
Do you have any idea when it will be released?
Yes! Witchlight is the final book in this main series. Do I want to do a spinoff? Freaking yeah, I do. I already planted seeds in past books for it (including in some sneaky lines from the Lament, mwuhahaha). I already know who my main characters are. I’m also planting more characters in Witchlight that I’d love to explore one day...
So yes, while Witchlight is the end of this series, I’m really hopeful I can keep exploring this world in the future.
A spinoff would be adult, too, since let’s be real: Truthwitch was never truly YA anyway. Certainly teens can (and do) read the series, but the style and scale were always more true SFF than YA fantasy.
As for the release date, Witchlight is currently set for April of 2025. To be totally straight with you, that date is entirely dependent on me getting this beast of a book done in the next two weeks.
So…no pressure.
My favorite part of Witchlight has absolutely been all the payoffs. From plot to romance to little easter eggs, I’ve been building toward quite a few such moments in this book—going all the way back to Truthwitch. And while I won’t lie, it’s been a real challenge to carefully assemble all the many, many threads so they collide at the end in a satisfying way…
Well, I’m just really excited about the payoff. I think it’s there, and it has been a true JOY to finally get to put it all on the page.
My favorite piece of any story, be it a game or movie or book or show, is that sense of earning the big moments. Was the romance built deeply enough? Did it progress at a natural and satisfying pace? Was the character motivation and growth really developed well enough to make sense in later story choices? Do all the plot reveals make sense—especially for those super nerdy fantasy readers who love to dig deep into the world like me?
Eleven years ago, I had the first idea and started writing about a Threadwitch and a Truthwitch. Now, here we are, many books and words and character arcs and plot twists and nations and ancient ruins and story reveals away.
I hope, hope, hope you all enjoy what I’ve put together.
Alright, now I’ve got to get back to the page. I’m wrapping up Vivia’s POV today—I hope. Wish me luck!
💚 - Sooz
Sending you all the good writing vibes for my girl Vivia today!!!
Truthwitch: Safi
Windwitch: Merik
Bloodwitch: Aeduan
Sightwitch: Ryber (takes place years before Truthwitch)
Witchshadow: Iseult
Witchlight: Safi (we've come full circle back to where it all began)