Thank you, dear reader!
The Hunting Moon is a NYT and USA Today Bestseller!

1. I am home from tour!
And it was amazing. Like I said last week, it was just one of the most pleasurable, joyful tours + release weeks I’ve had in years.
Of course, I immediately came home to discover my kid has an ear infection. 😅 And that my house is so, so, so messy (and kind of filthy too)…BUT THAT IS OKAY. That is the glam life of an author. 😂 I shall clean now and shove antibiotics down Cricket’s throat every twelve hours.
2. Lest you think I am only hear to complain…
I also learned on Wednesday night that The Hunting Moon is a NYT and USA Today bestseller!!
The book managed to sneak onto the New York Times list at #9—even though it’s one of THE most competitive lists anyone has ever seen! As my editor put it when she called to give me the news: “This list is stacked!” I certainly wasn’t expecting to hit, and this was SUCH a shock!1
And on top of that, The Hunting Moon hit at #49 on the USA Today bestseller list! GUYS!! I’ve never had a USA Today bestseller before! I am even more excited about this than the NYT because it’s a career first I never expected to happen—especially not with this particular title.
So thank you to everyone who purchased The Hunting Moon—no matter the edition or location—and thank you to everyone who came to see me on tour or at YALLFest. It was so much fun. And I’m really looking forward to whenever I get to hit the road again…
Which, dear friends, is looking like late May for the UK! 🤩🇬🇧
More details to come on that soon!
3. #ChooseWithSooz Updates
You all finally lost a full life. It was inevitable, and I’ll be the first to say, it was tricksy! I kept not expecting you to go where you went…and there it was. You went where you went, and Jay got turned to stone. 🐍
Catch up on the week’s polls here!
💚 - Sooz
P.S. I sent out a link to the Saturday webinar workshop for everyone who entered my personal pre-order giveaway. If you didn’t get that link but you did sign up for the campaign, let me know!!
The good kind. Not the “Um, Cricket has an ear infection. We need to call the doctor” kind 🙃
Congrats Sooz!! Will the webinar be available to watch afterwards? I’ll be at a friend’s baby shower.
Congrats on the lists for The Hunting Moon!! I am so happy to see it up there!