What do you want to see from me in 2025?
What can I give YOU that will bring you the most joy?
Latest News from the Desk of Sooz
We have been hit with the polar vortex where I live, and we lost power on Monday. So it was a cold, frustrating day of trying to keep my kid busy. Fortunately, power is back, so I can throw her in front of the TV for a few hours today and catch up on work. (That’s valid parenting, right? 😅)
In other news, I shared a post yesterday about quitting social media on my other newsletter,
, and thanks to how Substack pasted the link, everyone thinks I had a scary medical procedure.I did not! That procedure was at the end of 2023, and it all went well. I did have a few medical things hitting me all at once over the holidays, but those all went well too. Meaning, so far, 2025 is going great!
(Jeez, did I just jinx my life by writing that?)
Anyway: all is well. Now onto the newsletter while Cricket watches Finding Nemo!
What do you want to see from me in 2025?

As you all know, I’ve got TWO books coming out this year! It’s exciting…and daunting.
I’d of course greatly appreciate any pre-orders you guys might sling my way. (P.S. As soon as I have a UK pre-order link for Witchlight, I’ll include that too!)
But since I want to support YOU as much as you support ME, I wanted to ask :
Is there anything you want to see from me in 2025?
I’ve got all sorts of sneak peeks planned, as well as a re-release of past art and graphics that many of you have perhaps missed.
Some people have suggested a readalong of the Witchlands. Others have asked for fun recaps of the series. And of course, I’ll have First Looks for covers and special editions, etc.
But what else is there that you’re just dying to see or know or read about….? Playlists for my books? Handwritten quotes for tattoos? Live chats/Q&As?
Leave a comment and let me know, or hop over to the Discord #general-witchlands channel and leave a reply!
And of course, stay tuned for more WITCHLIGHT CHAPTER SNEAK PEEKS next week!
💚 - Sooz
Maybe a luminaries short story?? I bet you have so many ideas for spin-offs. ( plz, I’m begging 🙏, I can’t leave hemlock falls forever 😭)
I think playlists would be a cool idea, and some behind the scenes content (what inspired different things, first ideas, how things changed).